Illuminate, the final piece of the Brennan & White Infinity Trilogy, was workshopped with Ignition Arts Summer 2020. A myriodrama with 24 scenes and 12 songs, the workshop not only developed new material inspired by and created for young artists, but also devised innovative ways of working remotely. The originating ensemble hailed from 14 states and 4 times zones. Illuminate is currently seeking further development opportunities.
The Originating Ensemble: Kelsey Bray (CA), Avery Bruce (AR), Josh Goldhaber (PA), Erik Hamilton (TX), Michael Jobe (OK), Caroline Juelke (PA), Jordan Kilgore (MD), Maddy Larkin (NJ), Lisi Levy (MO), Kat Metcalfe (OK), DeMond Nason (NY), Alyssa Peters (TX), Zachary Prall (NE), Corinne Prudente (CT), Caroline Pugliese (CA), Madeline Statter (MD) and Andrea Strickler (KS).
Creative Team: Sage Tokach, Gregory DeCandia, Kristen Cerelli, Tim Fall, Avery Bruce, Josh Goldharber, Tanner Richardett, David Lee White & Kate Brennan.
