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The Latest
#notacult or Camp Hope goes up with Coalescence Theatre Project
The Bleeding Heart Academy for Girls Presents...
Brennan & White Named Finalists for the Jonathan Larson Grant
The Self-Destruction of Emma James named an O'Neill Semifinalist!
Finalist for the Cultural Alliance's Artist Innovator Award
The Infinity Journal is Available Now!
Gaslight is Extended at Act II!
What's in Store is a Finalist at B Street
Lost Boys performs at SUNY Potsdam
#notacult or Camp Hope named Finalist for Jane Chambers Award
#notacult or Camp Hope... is a Finalist for the Judith Royer Award!
The Marginals was named a finalist for The Lanford Wilson New American Play Festival
Clean Slate Premieres at Passage & Rider
Lost Boys is named an O'Neill Semifinalist
Lost Boys Premieres with DreamWrights
Eleanor is Sold Out at Act II Playhouse
Bucks County Playhouse Produces ALiEN8
"Spotted Lantern Flies or the Misguided Dreams of my Youth" in McSweeney's!
"Surprise Trash Day" & "Snow Moon" Published in The Offing
"You are a Modern Short Story..." Published in The Offing
ALiEN8 runs at DreamWrights Center for Community Arts
Princess Grace Playwriting Finalist
What's in Store named a Semi-Finalist
"Is It Your First Summer..." Published on McSweeney's
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